Quando vc está dormindo e alguém pergunta:
- Tá dormindo?
- Não, treinando para morrer!
Quando você leva um aparelho eletrônico para a manutençãoe o técnico pergunta!
- Tá com defeito?
- Não é que ele estava cansado de ficar em casa e eu o trouxe para passear.
- Vai sair nesta chuva?
- Não, vou sair na próxima...
Quando você acaba de levantar vem um idiota e pergunta:
- Acordou?
- Não... Sou sonâmbulo!
Seu amigo liga para sua casa e pergunta:
- Onde você está?
- No Pólo Norte! Um furacão levou a minha casa pra lá!
Você acaba de tomar banho e alguém pergunta:
- Você tomou banho?
- Não! Dei um mergulho no vaso sanitário!
Você está pescando quando alguém passa e pergunta:
- Você pescou todos esses peixes?
- Não! Esses são peixes suicidas que se atiraram no balde!
Você está no caixa e tira um talão de cheque e o caixa pergunta:
-Vai pagar em cheque?
-Não! Vou escrever um poema!!!!!
segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2008
terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2008
I forgave the Queen
sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2008
Madonna's Fiasco

London News: Madonna faces fine after turning up late and causing her show to over-run, leaving fans stranded at Wembley
by Richard Moriarty. Friday, 12 September 2008
MADONNA fans were furious today after the Diva was 40 minutes late on stage at Wembley -causing them to miss their last train home.The 50-year-old singer was scheduled on stage at 8.30pm last night for the London-leg of her Hard Candy tour.But she didn't start her first song until 9.10pm meaning her two-hour show ran past the 10.30pm curfew which is in place to ensure concert-goers can get back into central London and make rail connections.
And thousands more inside the venue walked out in disgust after speakers failed in areas of the stadium leaving them unable to hear the songs.
Fan Aidan McCann, 31, who paid £70 for his ticket, said: "I have been a Madonna fan for over 25 years and have gone to all her concerts but the one in London last night was an absolute disgrace.
"There was a lack of screens and you could not hear her. Her promoters over sold tickets for areas of the stadium where the view was really bad.
"There was a lack of screens and you could not hear her. Her promoters over sold tickets for areas of the stadium where the view was really bad.
"I spoke to the customer services manager and he said they had more than 3,000 complaints within the first set and they only had five customer services people on.
"People moved into the aisles and then security were forcing people out of the stadium and into the concourse. Everyone was furious and shouting.
"After seeing Kylie Minogue recently, all I can say is that maybe it is time Madonna gave it up. Kylie charges half the price for a ticket, actually signs live, looks better and cares about the audience.
"Online chatrooms were also flooded with complaints. One fan called Joe wrote: "Very, very, very bad sound! I am a huge Madonna fan and felt like it was a huge letdown.So many people were leaving even halfway through the show.Near me there were a foo boo's and people losing interest. Not to mention, that the stewards at one point were telling people to make the best of a bad situation and dancing to sit down!
"After the gig, thousands of people rushed to Wembley Central Tube station and police were called calm angry fans, many of whom were forced to get expensive taxis home.The station was even closed at one point due to safety fears about overcrowding on the platform. A TfL spokesperson said: ''Last night's Madonna concert at Wembley Stadium was scheduled to finish at 10.30pm when a high level of Tube services were scheduled to ferry concert-goers home.
"Whilst the event finished approximately 40 minutes later when Tube services were less frequent the Tube did continue to run until 1am and was heavily used. In addition 11 different bus routes were also still serving the Wembley complex.
''A spokesman for Madonna denied she was late on stage.He said: "Stage times are only guidelines. I was at the gig and the sound was fine.
"When a George Michael gig over-ran at Wembley by 13 minutes last year, the singer was fined £130, 000.
(The London Paper, 12th of September)
Abaixo, os comentarios das pessoas no site do jornal. O primeiro eh meu. Nao pude deixar de me expressar nessa situacao ridicula!!!
Your comments
Guest_Mark says: This was my first time I went to see Madonna, and what a disgrace!!! The sound was terrible and I couldn't even understand what she was saying or singing. Not to mention the screens, which were so small I couldn't see a thing. Maybe she should spend a bit of her fortune in a better stage production getting bigger screens (i.e: Foo Fighters gig, also at the Wembley, with a 360 degrees screens on the top of the stage). The delay, was absolutely unrespectful. I did managed to get the last tube on may way home, but my housemates got at home at 4:00am!!!! They missed the tube and couldn't find any replacement bus. After walking around for 2h they finally got a cab to central London! Madonna, my darling, it's so beautiful to talk about world's problems, but what about respecting people??? Friday 12 September 2008 13:45
Guest_Mark says: This was my first time I went to see Madonna, and what a disgrace!!! The sound was terrible and I couldn't even understand what she was saying or singing. Not to mention the screens, which were so small I couldn't see a thing. Maybe she should spend a bit of her fortune in a better stage production getting bigger screens (i.e: Foo Fighters gig, also at the Wembley, with a 360 degrees screens on the top of the stage). The delay, was absolutely unrespectful. I did managed to get the last tube on may way home, but my housemates got at home at 4:00am!!!! They missed the tube and couldn't find any replacement bus. After walking around for 2h they finally got a cab to central London! Madonna, my darling, it's so beautiful to talk about world's problems, but what about respecting people??? Friday 12 September 2008 13:45
Guest_Ed says: I've been a huge Madonna fan for 25 years but next time I'll spend the money on my credit card bill. The sets were elaborate but the sound was atrocious and I couldn't help but feel she was simply going through the motions. Vast numbers of people left early and those of us who stuck it out were challenged by the transport home. I was one of the lucky ones who got on the tube (and even a seat!) but thousands were left stranded, unable to get home all because her Madgesty was late getting her girdled self on stage. Quite frankly she needs to put that guitar down and hang up her length nude tights! Friday 12 September 2008 13:21
Guest_mike says: maybe the sound was great from where madonna's spokesperson was standing..probably backstage.. he should see the thousands complaining on forums, on live nation and the ones at the stadium itself..it seems that it wasnt just small parts of the stadiums..it was at least the upper terrier....which probably means 30.000 people... not being able to hear music at a music concert is a crime! Friday 12 September 2008 12:59
Guest_Natasha says: Last nights concert was very odd... I went with my sister who is a hardcore Madge fan and once we were in our seats we realised it wasn't going to be great. The stage was a million miles away! Once she was on, the screens were far too small for us to even see her properly & the sound should have been much louder. The crowd was DEAD, it was very strange....almost like we were watching a musical that we couldnt quite hear/see...Having said all of this, Madonna inspired and shocked us all with putting up images and quotes from the koran & various other religions on screen as she sung like a prayer...that was the moment that made me smile. A very strange sequence in the show was when there was a orchastrated group of greek men?? Playing various instruments and singing leila lalala I felt like I was at a dodgy hotel bar on a package holiday. More about the crowd which by far was the most shocking factor, I didnt see one black person there! The majority were gay men (ofcourse) and english women aged between 37-56. Her dance moves looked amazing but then again i dont really know because I couldnt see her. Amazing woman, not so great performer anymore.. Friday 12 September 2008 13:56
Guest_Dion says: I paid 65 pounds for seats that couldn't see the screens let alone Madonna! The sound was atrocious- it was all a bit of an expensive joke really.

Mon cue pra Madonna!
Sticky and Sweet Tour,
quarta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2008
Novo Curso de Formação para Homens
OBJETIVO PEDAGÓGICO : Permite aos homens desenvolver a parte do corpo da qual ignoram a existência - o cérebro . SÃO 4 MÓDULOS Módulo 1: Introdução (Obrigatório) 1. Aprender a viver sem a mamãe ( 2.000 horas) 2. Minha mulher não é minha mãe, nem minha empregada doméstica (350 horas) 3. Entender que não se classificar para o Mundial não é a MORTE (500 hs) Módulo 2: Vida a dois 1. Ser pai e não ter ciúmes do filho (50 horas) 2. Deixar de dizer impropérios quando a mulher recebe suas amigas (500 hs) 3. Superar a síndrome do ' o controle remoto é meu ' (550 horas) 4. Não urinar fora do vaso ( 1.000 horas - exercícios práticos em vídeo) 5.. Entender que os sapatos não vão sozinhos para o armário (800 hs) 6. Como chegar ao cesto de roupa suja (500 horas) 7. Como sobreviver a um resfriado sem agonizar (450 horas) Módulo 3: Tempo livre 1. Passar uma camisa em menos de duas horas (exercícios práticos) 2. Tomar a cerveja sem arrotar, quando se está à mesa (exercícios práticos) Módulo 4: Curso de cozinha 1. Nível 1 (principiantes - os eletrodomésticos) ON/OFF = LIGA/DESLIGA 2. Nível 2 (avançado) minha primeira sopa instantânea sem queimar a Panela 3 . Exercícios práticos - ferver a água antes de por o macarrão CURSOS COMPLEMENTARES: POR RAZÕES DE DIFICULDADE , COMPLEXIDADE E ENTENDIMENTO DOS TEMAS , OS CURSOS TERÃO NO MÁXIMO 3 ALUNOS. 1. A eletricidade e eu: vantagens econômicas de contar com um técnico competente para fazer reparos; 2. Cozinhar e limpar a cozinha não provoca impotência; 3. Porque não é crime presentear com flores, embora já tenha se casado com ela; 4. O rolo de papel higiênico: Ele nasce ao lado do vaso sanitário? (biólogos e físicos falarão sobre o tema da geração espontânea) 5. Como baixar a tampa do vaso passo a passo (teleconferência); 6. Porque não é necessário agitar os lençóis depois de emitir gases intestinais (exercícios de reflexão em dupla); 7. Os homens dirigindo, podem SIM, pedir informação sem se perderem ou correr o risco de parecerem impotentes (testemunhos); 8. O detergente: doses, consumo e aplicação. Práticas para evitar acabar com a casa; 9. A lavadora de roupas: esse grande mistério!! 10. Diferenças fundamentais entre o cesto de roupas sujas e o chão (exercícios com musicoterapia); 11. A xícara de café: ela levita, indo da mesa à pia? ( exercícios Dirigidos por Mister M); 12. Analisar detidamente as causas anatômicas, fisiológicas e/ou psicológicas que não permitem secar o banheiro depois do banho.

Sim, sim, depois da estreia da campanha em Junho na Macey's de Sao Francisco, as fotos desse gostoso finalmente estao estampadas nos double deckers de London. Naaao, tenho que confessar, que eh inspirador e de tirar o folego, qd estou caminhando pela rua, cabisbaixo, e de repente passa um onibus com essas fotos.... ai... ai...(suspiro) fico com as perninhas bambas! a loca! Soh em pensar que ele cresceu em Walthamstow (sim, Marrie, nosso vizinho) e que provavelmente andava de 257 ou 69,...... meu Deus!!!
Deliciem -se!!

Arrasa peru!
Mon cue!
cafucu do bem,
David Beckham,
meu futuro marido
segunda-feira, 8 de setembro de 2008
quarta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2008
genius chrome
que o google vai dominar o mundo não é segredo algum. hoje de manhã meu chefe tava comentando sobre o google space, aquele programinha que eles lançaram pra ser uma espécie de planetário. ele, na sua total falta de informação, imaginava que com o tal programinha ele poderia aproximar dos planetas e até ter uma visão da geografia de cada um deles, mas eu tive que informar que o google ainda não comprou a nasa, então teremos que esperar por algum tempo até que esse tipo de informação esteja disponível num futuro upgrade, talvez no google cosmos.
mas o que tá me deixando irritado - ok, meu humor já não tá dos melhores hoje - é esse bando de gente ignorante criticando o novo navegador lançado por eles. confesso que à primeira vista ele é estranho, afinal de contas a barra de ferramentas fica bem no cantinho, no formato de uma chave de rosca - o que eu acho bem apropriado. mas convenhamos. até agora, navegando desde cedo com o google chrome e o firefox de forma alternada, eu tive dois erros de execução no mozilla enquanto o chrome não fechou nenhuma vez. a barra de favoritos é muito mais bonita, a história das abas é muito interessante e permite que a gente navegue em vários sites ao mesmo tempo sem que eles interfiram uns nos outros, ou seja, se uma aba der problema, ela será fechada sozinha e blablabla. toda aquela lorota que pode ser lida aqui.
o fato é que, pelo menos pra mim, até agora o google chrome fez juz ao que ele promete. navegação mais rápida, individualidade nas abas, segurança e agilidade. por isso eu to tranqüilo, e francamente, espero que ele pegue, porque ultimamente eu tenho me irritado tanto com o firefox e seus erros críticos - que me forçam a reiniciar o computador caso eu queira abrir o programa de novo - que já começava a estudar a hipótese de voltar pro (sick) internet explorer.
segunda-feira, 1 de setembro de 2008
Da Sessao: Matteo, pegaeo!!!
He started modelling in 2002 when his mother signed him up for a Ford contest in his native Brazil. He has since shot onto the current fashion scene by starring in recent campaigns for Louis Vuitton and Valentino. He has also done campaigns for Abercrombie & Fitch and Dolce & Gabbana. He is also the main male model in the Giorgio Armani ads during 2007 and the 2008 Armani Jeans ad.

Vem desfilar no meu quarto, vem!!
Arrasa peru!
Mon cue!
Evandro Soldati,
meu futuro marido,
write down all the things that you'd like to change
criada em 1992, a banda stereophonics começou sua carreira musical tocando em pequenos clubes em cwamaman, no país de gales, originalmente formada pelo vocalista kelly jones [objeto dos meus sonhos mais eróticos], o baixista richard jones e o baterista stuart cable. em 2003, com a saída de cable, javier weyler assume o posto de baterista, completando a formação atual da banda.
na minha opinião o melhor cd da banda, o segundo álbum chamado performance and cocktails foi lançado em 1999. atenção especial para meu atual vício, is yesterday, tomorrow today?.
clique aqui para baixar o performance and cocktails.
na minha opinião o melhor cd da banda, o segundo álbum chamado performance and cocktails foi lançado em 1999. atenção especial para meu atual vício, is yesterday, tomorrow today?.
clique aqui para baixar o performance and cocktails.
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